Sunday, March 12, 2006

Updated 3/14/2006: Help with UU

Tuesday March 14th

The boy knows I am neurotic.
My friends have me pegged.
As embarrassing as that may be, it is also a comfort, because I know that they know and there is no fooling. I can't hide the fact that I get...uh...wound up.

So in his grace he writes the following:


Start by making a nice cup of coffee.

Then turn the computer on... if the computer doesn't respond make sure that the cat didn't eat the power cord.

Then go to this site:

If you own regular Uru Ages Beyond Myst - use this patch

If you have Complete Chronicles- use this patch

When patching make sure you direct the patch to where your Uru is installed.

Mine is C:\Program Files\Ubi Soft\Cyan Worlds\Uru-Ages Beyond Myst

If you still have problems after all of this, it might be because your firewall ports aren't opened.

If nothing works. Take a walk outside and smell the roses. If the roses aren't out. Smell tree bark.

If tree bark seems funny. Call me


Now if that weren't all, I get another phone call from a very good friend (who's Airline and Storm Door Company shall remain nameless) and after only a few minutes he discovers that the first thing to do is to get out of the router and straight into the modem.

Again, I have to say, I have THE best friends.

They put up with me.
They educate me.


In the old days, James would have told me, step by step, what to do and what to expect.

I am so THANKFUL that I have Lehsa.

She doesn't make me feel stupid for the asking.
As though I should already know something.

Thank you Lehsa.

And also, many thanks to Barb, Blue, Walt and Peter.
Just for being knuckleheads.

What great friends I have!

1 comment:

  1. :blushing from cheek to cheek:
    awww... you know I like helping ya. :D

    Hopefully we'll be able to push you thru a properly working link book to the D'ni shores. :D


