Monday, March 20, 2006

May I Be So Bold... to say that, I believe that what I am about to say is 100% flawlessly correct?
Indisputably correct.
With regard to the correct usage of the word "Anyways" within the confines of the English language,:

well...there is no such word.

"Anyway" is indeed a word.

Anyway(S!) is not.

There is no 's' at the end of any word spelled in this manner: a-n-y-w-a-y.

No Such word.

Today in a production of the play entitled, "The Imaginary Invalid" I heard this particular NON-word transcend it's text based mis-use and enter spoken language.

It was an abomination unto mine ears and a grievous sin, steeped in vileness.

So let me stand atop the mount of all that is linguistically holy, and pray for my bretheren that they may not sin in such a manner again.

May the truth be written upon stone tablets for the future generations to behold:

And therein was the word written:

"Thou shalt not speaketh, or writeth with the hand,-nay verily, even with thine keyboard, the word "anyway" with an 's' upon its ending."

And the heavenly host sang joyously over all the land, for truth had gone forth.

Book of Hesitations, Chapter 5, verse 55.
The Blogbiscuit Paraphrased Edition.


  1. ROFLMAO!!!!!

    You are too much Mih. TOO MUCH! *giggling hardily*

    Anyways... I shall be moseying along now. ;)

    *runs for the doorway before the grammar police arrest her!*


  2. And "irregardless". I hate that one too.

  3. So anywayS... Wait, did you SERIOUSLY write an entire blog entry on this? Great gosholive you're a silly one, arn'tcha? I suppose that's what makes me love ya all the mores.


  4. *Holds up a Cross in commenters general directions and speaking:*

    "Get Thee Behind me, oh speakers of ill words that exist not. Your necromancy with the shadows of language hath cast a pall thusly upon my personage!"


    Fie on thee all!

    Call me no hypocrite!
    Is it that my fingers create golden drops of perfection, like nectar as I type flawlessy upon the computrew an dmake thee allto have glee in the readin g ofsuch?

    Look to your own sins and be contrite!


    mih-(the Typo Queen rebuked)
