Monday, May 28, 2007

Still in Rhode Island

I have been without a computer now for 10 (count them TEN!!!) days. Oh sure I have been able to go to my sisters and borrow theres a couple of times, but it is NOT the same.
Even so, I am grateful.
Without them I would have needed sedation by now.
So anyway, I return to Oregon Wednesday night and begin a new regimen. Instead of running herd on my dad, and packign up 12 years of his packrat household, Barns and Sheds, I will hit the ground with my feet running, and commence building planning. I arrive at Home at 4:30 on Wednesday and have a 5pm meeting with our Contractor.
Then I will sit down with my kids, and watch a rousing segment of Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Thursday is MacKenzie fields trips to rock climbing and volcanic interpretive sites and I will work at the Pony while Nadean has her Knee surgery. The weekend will be a true "let down" time. (I hope). Then the week will begin anew with me coordinating the rest of the move from Rhode Island to Oregon. Stu and I will fly the red eye out of Portland on June 15th, arrive in Providence afternoon of 16th. Pack the U-Haul's on the 17th and 18 and start driving the 19th.

Bryan - we will be passing though Ohio - hopefully by-passing Cleveland - especially at high traffic times. We may skirt that town and then stop and kick back some where for a few hours and press through in the evening. Of course this is all so tentative. If we end up in the area in the night anyway we will just blast on through.

The plan is to drive straight through, only sleeping in the cabs at rest areas when we need rest and taking one night in a motel. We plan to make the drive in 3.5 to fours days.

I LOVE the idea!
My only fear is driving my own u-haul through the cities, but more than likely I will have the short U-haul, and hopefully no vehicle trailer. If Stu pulls the shorty with a trailer, then I will have to drive the big truck. (26 ft).

Anyway, thats the plan.

Sorry we aren't going thru Texas Leh!

I fly back to RI on June 30th (red-eye) and fly my dad back to Oregon on July second and then its all done!...


I have decided that it is too much fun seeing my sister, and if I can work a few days a month a Pony, I can earn enough for a round trip ticket and rental car every 3 months and go stay with her for a week!!!!

With my dad living with me, I will appreciate the vacation, and believe I will have earned it!




Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fasting Reply

Well... you are better than I.

When we had the 18 hour power outage a few weeks back, I was already loopy after a couple of hours.

I tried to go to other places outside of my apt till 3 am so I could be sure I'd go back to AC, a working fan and working electronics. Nada... so I had to do what I could... watch PBS on the ancient portable b/w tv my folks let me have way back when. Kept me from completely losing my mind. LOL And I had my little grundig handheld radio with shortwave. :D

Like Homer said to his tv: "Let's never fight again!" ;)


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

NEVER again! neeeVER!!!!

I will never ever again leave my laptop home.
The withdrawls are debillitating.
I am crippled and need a daily fix of internet.
In the morning with my coffee.
In the afternoon right before dinner and again before I go to sleep.
I NEEEEEEEEDDDDd interNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has only been 3 days.
I am going loopy.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Fasting...doing without something...for a period of order to utilize that time/energy to
commit to achieving something else valuable.

So when I leave for my next stint in Rhode Island on Saturday I will NOt be taking my computer.
I will be "Fasting" from my comp.
(*bites own finger and swoons*)
Yes its true.
Instead, I will be hauling my fiddle to Rhode Island.
I figure its a safe place to really devote time to proper practice, after all, my dad is nearly deaf and at the ripe age of 80 years, he tends to fall asleep at 7pm.
Each evening I am free to practice without threat of injuring the sensibilities of any one within earshot.

I hope to come back with at least some rudimentary bow skills.

Its like the foreign language equivalent to immersion.

The violin and I have shared a life long love-hate relationship.
I was first chair in elementary school but dropped it like ahot potato when I got to 6th grade.
How sad.
I lost what could have been.
So at least I can start with basics I already know.

I wonder where Chucker is these days.
He has played for 9+ years.
I should like to glean stuff from him - ad then there is Moleculo who is also a seasoned player.
WHere are these peopel when I need them?
Why do they not harken unto me?
WHo DO I think I am anyway.
as of Saturday I will be completely "unplugged" until the 30th of May.
(I hope I survive.)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Well, Miss Mishehl,

Don't know if I can find a pic beyond when I moved to SA. LOL
I'll have to do a look when i go home this next weekend should all go well.

I have to warn you, I was a bald child up till 2 yrs of age. :blush:
But I should maybe find the pic of my brother feeding me Lucky Charms.
It's a cute pic. I think I was 3 and I actually remember when it was taken.

I liked your pics. You and Mac have similar features in your pics. I liked that you had short hair in Elementary. I think mine was cut in 4th grade so I'll have to find one of my pics with the giganto pigtails from heck. I think those things would have made some great arm weights. I had enough hair that when my mom made princess leia rolls in my hair, it felt like two plaster of paris fritters were on either side of my head. It was heavy! :P Don't think I have a pic of that though which is sad... it was interesting from what I recall of it.

So anyhow... I guess enough sharing. *giggle*

I'm still waiting for my electricity to come back at my apt.
15 hours of lovely darkness... read my blog.
I'm at work now which is my only relief. (laughs insanely)


UPDATED : Foto-Rama!!

Tina reminded me yesterday that it has been a long while since I updated my blog.
To bring us up-to-date:

-Went to Dad's. Packed up the barn. (Dad is an 80 year old Pack-Rat.)
-Injured rotator cuff at the gymn. Still hurt.
-Scout had a hospital visit.
-Sold dad's house within a week without listing it and with NO banks involved. (Thank YOU GOD!!!!)
-House closes next week.
-Paid off the majority of Dad/s medical bills.
-put on 7 lbs becasue Rhode Island is seriously over populated by Dunkin' Donuts. Dad wanted to go there every morning.
-Came home.
-Blakes Jr. Prom. Drove to Portland, picked up date. Created bedroom for date while she stayed here.
(see Below)

Blake and Casey

Blake, Casey, Andrew, Franci and Andrew's
Dad's Sweet Ride.

-I am now prepping for new construction here, to build the addition where my dad will live once he arrives here in Oregon, from R.I.
(See Beta-Addition below)

-I have been working with a group from the community, to create a Highschool Alternative, as our local educators have crossed the line with their heavy handed, autocratic behaviours. Our goal is to have additional grades of 9 and 10 added to the Private school here in town which currently only goes Pre - 8th. We are looking for a seperate campus and scouting out interest.
I am on the committee that collects community information to access the demand for a High School alternative.

-MacKenzies 12th birthday was yesterday, and her party will be on Saturday next.

-Mothers Day Tea will be held Friday at the Private School and the girls have informed me that I am to provide elementary and childhood fotoz of myself for the collage of Mom's.

Hence the offering below.

Me age 2yrs

Me Age 3 yrs

Me 3rd Grade

First Day of 4th Grade

4rth Grade

5th Grade

Challenge is hereby issued to L. DG, and to B Siegfried (and I don't mean "Beth.") to step out courageously and post similar age fotoz of themselves.

*throws down white gloves.*


Scout had a project for school this week requiring fotoz of herself as a wee tot.
Hence the additional foto-rama below: