Saturday, March 18, 2006

(Inter)National Digressions ?

Oh its 2:30 am! In a fit of insomnia, I say "lets hop on the blabbering rollercoaster to Free-Association Land!"


Tis a great day to pay hommage to himself, America's own patron Saint of Ireland, "Lucky The Leprechaun," .
(Warning, hideous ad banner, but fascinating and Magically Delicious trivia.

In response to the previous post by Blueness Maximus,
this Canadienne says (on the subject of Seperatist movements) :

"Hey! Mes Freres! You want to be seperate? Go for it, everyone should have their chance to try!" Of course I say that about Scotland too.

And I have also been known to hover between saying:

A : "Screw the Middle East and their oil. Let's take Californian's and put them over there and pick up Israel and transplant it to Southern Cal. Of course that would be contrary to what God did in the bible, I mean, He didn't lead Moses through the desert and across the ocean to California. I mean, truth to tell, it ain't no promised land.

and B : "Screw the Middle East and their oil. Let's just forget about it and use up all of our own resources as fast as we can, have a huge civil war about it, and then the survivors can go back to an agrarian society."

Eeny meeny miney.

And yet as far as my seperatists sentiments go, I also flop to the practical side where La Belle Quebec is concerned, saying, "Mes cher ami's, you cannot make it on your own Franc. You need your "Loonies" and "Moonies. You need the rest of Canada."
(Said while waving the Blue & White Fleur-de-lis, and shouting "Je me souvien!" Yes, it is a schizophrenic moment.)

Loonies-the $1 coin with a loon on the front.
Moonies-the $1 coin with the Queen in front and a "Bear" behind.

The Queen?
Didn't Freddy Mercury die?
(My Great Grandmother (Quebecoise) kept a portrait of the Queen on her fireplace mantle. When she died, her daughter (My Grandmother) burned it. Of course she also burned a portrait if my great-great-great-great Grandfather...but that is yet another macabre tale worth sharing next Halloween. Or so I have been told.)

English Pig Dogs?

And what is up with that?
A teeny tiny little island of a country, originally populated with troll-like beasties, (genuflect to Peter Street and Tweek,who never read this blog anyway. "Beggin yer pardon, Gentlemen") rose up and subdued the known world, bleeding the wealth off the French for 100 years like a parasite, and carting it back across the sea.
What makes them so ferocious?
So self assured?
Who are the inhabitants of this postage stamp sized nation, who conquered continents?
The proof 's of their global dominations are housed within the confines of the British Museum.
How did this scruffy little people manage it?
Probably by harnessing the Scots. (They were supposed to be a pretty scary bunch.)

Well I don't know, and yeah, I can take a happy-go-lucky swing at the English from time to time, (after all it is my birthright, being French) but you gotta admit, they have everything because they have managed to do everything and when it comes down to it, thats no small feat.
And then they show up on this continent in groups of Fab Four and, when they open their mouths to speak, an odd accent rolls forth melting the brain cells of women from one coast to the other. Multitudes concquered and nary a finger lifted.

Well it's all Greek to me.
(While not actually BEING Greek.)

Ah America.
Sufferers of MHD - Multiple Heritage Disorder.
Isn't familial stuff weird?
Do you ever do any genealogical stuff?
Man, it seems like the further you get into it, the more freaks you find buried in the closet.
You should try it sometime, for the sake of your bairns.

Well after leaping all over the globe, I have managed to bring it back around to the original subject.
That would be a first.

1 comment:

  1. oh and another thing:
    There were Redheads.
    Though most on that side were dark.
    A red haired uncle and cousins. Another uncle had black hair, blue eyes, but a red beard and moustache. Go figure.
    I am the only person in my own immediate family with blue eyes. Everyone else had hazel. Excpet my uncle "Red Beard" and his mom, my grandmother. My dad alwasy accused me of being a "Throw back" and called me Brigit.
    "Throw back?"
    Makes me sound like some sort of runt-o-the-litter, or backward, cro-magnon birth mistake. (which I know he never meant.)
    My daddy says I'm SPECIAL.

    Ok gnight.

