Thursday, March 2, 2006

Labour -VS- what EVER!!!!!

I am SO angry!!!!
I just got off the phone with my friend. (Not Barb)
She was speaking about her job situation and how she was going for a job at the hospital.
No problem.
Its all good.
Then she mentions how her landlord said that there was a job down at the local grocery store, they were looking for checkers.
She said, “Oh! No way! It would be like waitressing! I want SO much MORE for my life than some loser job like THAT.”

This pissed me off on SO many levels and I decided to not back down, but to drive it.
So I pointed out that, if one does not live in a small town (like ours) then there is a Union for Grocery checkers and they make good money AND retirement AND benefits (all of which she does not currently enjoy) She said, “Oh no. If I did THAT job, then I would be ashamed and couldn’t show my face. Not in public”

Now I am filled with a white-hot blinding rage.
So I ask her, “why?”
She says, “Well I want MORE for my life.”
I said, “No. you want different.” You want different challenges in your life. The people who make a career out of union grocery checker jobs want job security and pensions and retirement and health benefits etc. They just have different priorities. So what you want is not “more” or “better” but just “different.”
She did not agree.
I after she went on to further berate the value of service jobs such as grocery tellers and waitressing, I said to her, "I want you to know that I take offense. I know VERY good people who spend their lives working in just such a vocation, serving others and providing for the needs of their families, and what you are saying is that you are judging them.”
She says, “No I am not judging anybody”
I replied, “Well then, is a grocery clerk or waitress job, a “loser” job.
And she said, “well YES!”
And I said then you have misjudged and demeaned valuable people in my life.
She totally did not see this.

I am so pissed.

She says "I am just talking about ME. (me me me, blah blah blah me me me)
I personally would be embarrassed to be seen in any of those jobs.”

I said, “I am not asking you about YOU anymore. We are no longer speaking about YOU.
"I am talking about value and about losers. Do you see people who take those jobs as dead end losers?”

She hemmed and hawed and she would not answer.

Finally after some spluttering, she said, “well, I don’t know how the conversation got there. I was talking about ME.”

And I said, “well I am not talking about YOU. And you have just dissed some VERY good and valuable people I know.”

We hastily ended our phone conversation.

I am pissed at her viewpoint, she seems to think that some one who does a service job is of lesser value than some one who does a media or art job.And she seems to think SHE is more special than somebody else.

Even though she said SHE did not want such a job, she spoke with derision for such jobs and the people who “sink” to doing them.

I am SO offended.

In Gods economy, there is NO job too menial.
There is NO task that is valueless.
And the relegating to the “Loser” category of people who work in service jobs is offensive and unacceptable to me.
Everybody has value!

Greater is he who works hard and supports the needs of his family, than he who earns little for the sake of his/her arrogance.

The poor man/woman is the one who will not give 100% to any task that comes to hand, no matter how small or insignificant it seems to be in the beginning.

And I would love to quote God Almighty here even, by saying, “to the one to whom much is given, is much required.”
“Do your best in all things, as though unto God himself, and much will be given to you.”
That last sentence was the Mih paraphrase)

The point is, EVERY ONE has value and EVERY job has value.
How dare(HOW BLOODY DARE!!!!!!!!!!!) anyone relegate any task or person doing it, to the unwanted or valueless pile.

I am so mad, I can almost vomit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Well you know I do the computer lab thing full time and it's not a bad job though in some cases paywise I might be able to do better.

    Well one of the part timers always complains about the stupidest things (it's the easiest job in the world and air conditioned to boot!) And she's like "boy I hate this job... this is so hard... it's awful!" And I went "how is this job so bad? Have you had any fast food experience? Have you ever had to go home covered from head to toe in grease from grilling food for 5 hours? And then spending another 2 or 3 hours after the shift is over cleaning grills and stuff till it's sparkling?"

    She still was pissy and I told her she ought to try fast food for a bit then think if she REALLY hates her cushy computer job. :P

    I can see how you'd get offended. I don't find anything wrong with people in the service industry having done fast food, it's about as close to that as you can get. I know the spiel!

    I'm sure your friend didn't mean anything wrong she's just ignorant of somethings. We all can be accused of that in some things. LOL


  2. thank you for standing up for the little loser folks like me (a waitress- foodserver or what ever i am) i've had real jobs but i like being subjected to rude people who treat me like a servant and leave a tip to reflect their attitude, but what i really like are those who say you are awesome, you are so busy and yet you give us great service, i like it when the snowbirds return and they are happy i remember little things from 1/2 a year ago like no lemon in the ice tea or crutons on the side ... not rocket science i know but i can wear a bikini year around(regardless of how much chocolate i eat or breve's i drink) because i run my ass off at work for people like your friend who no doubt want good service but wouldn't know how to give it! ouch baby

  3. Well its the same thing I was speaking to Blue about a few days ago. When we equate what we "DO" with who we "Are" then our perspectives get outta wack.
    I hate it when people think they are "better" because they have seom job that gives them a percieved value over some one else.
    It hits me at the heart of where I live. Its funny, she seems to think that being able to call herself "An Artist" is a badge of honour, whereas I am thinking that is not something I want to be called formy own identity reasons. Btu frm her pespective, a job title carries some sort of honour with it. It is a mental caste system. IT is as subjective as every individual on the planet. One person thinks "THIS" is the honourable vocation, sone one else thinks "THIS" is a vocation to be envied. Both of them may look donw on the choices of the other. It is subjective. No job is better than any other. No person is better for doing one job over another. You can say that it is ignorance, but that kind of ignorance is really bad imho. It is the mentality that says, "well, the response by the government to Hurricane Katrina in N.O was unacceptable! This kind of thing happens in Somalia or 3rd world countries but NOT AMerica." It is the same kind of thinking that kept people of colour from pusuing their dreams. It is one human putting himself over another, so that he can feel better about himself at the expense of some one elses self esteem.
    We are all imperfect from Gods point of view. He designed us for perfection and we screwed it up. From His perspective there isn't one of us that is acceptable. Not one.
    The ground is level at the foot of the Cross.

    Nobody is better than anyone else.
    If I had a theme song, then that would be it.

  4. Current Job: Computer Geek.
    Previous Job: Line worker at a foundry handling white-hot steel and making car parts.

    Which one did I enjoy more? I'll give you a hint: It wasn't the desk job. I can't say I was in a "service" position, but I certainly wasn't at a desk either.

    At the time, I wasn't "proud" of the job I had. It was just a means to continue my college education. But looking back on it, I always came home tired, but feeling as if I had done something, or been part of something. I felt like I was "useful" and "productive".... now, not so much... I spend my days avoiding as much "work" as possible.

    So after that, I must respect and, to some extent, envy the people who are strong enough to wear the blue collar.

  5. Hey!
    And the "Musings Girl" above.
    I know how you work!
    I think you are the only waitress I ever knew who got tips of $40 or $50 for a single table that didn't crack much over $100 for the entire meal, start to finish. That is like...what...a tip of 30-50%?
    And well deserved too, I would say!
    I happen to be familiar with your work, andyougive 135% to every task, and it all goes into your kids! Yeah you! You know who I'm talking to!
    If what goes around, comes around, then girl you got a poop lkoad of good things stored up waiting for YOU! Alot more than Miss "I-Need-A-Pretty-Job-Title."
