Thursday, March 2, 2006

To answer or NOT to answer, that IS the question.

Since Summer of 2004 I have become a "screener" of phone calls.
Granted, with moments of irregularness, but for the most part, a screener.

Those moments of laxity do often carry profound and reinforcing consequences however.
And so, tonight I crafted my own personal post-it note and stuck it to the front of the cabinet housing my Message Machine.

The Note reads:

The phone is EVIL!
Do NOT ever answer it.
Listen to ALL calls first and NEVER pick up.
You can always call back.

(Exceptions to those rule are the kids. Only the kids.)

Why must I hit myself in the head (as with a hammer) with this message more than once in a lifetime?
Surely it is because I am a stupid, gullible idiot.

Why do I continually think that things and people can change?
Well, frankly - OMG there it goes AGAIN! The phone is ringing NOW!!!!
Let's see who it is....


It is Stu calling for the kids. Good I am off the hook.
Anyway, where was I?

Why do I continually think that things and people can change?
Well, frankly because they DO.
It's not always for the better, but sometimes it IS, and doesn't everyone deserve a chance?
A second chance?
A third, fourth, fifth chance?
All that "70x 7" crap that Jesus spoke about with regard to forgiveness? Why woud i expect to receive such forgiveness if I am not willing to extend it?
I dunno.
I am danged if I do, and danged if I don't.

But at least I have gone back to not answering the phone!...except... I just did, didn't I?



  1. Dont' worry. I'm the same way with the phone.

    It's a joke with my family. They call and I know it's them not by their voice but by the comment "Hello? It's your mom (brother ... dad etc) are you there? Hello? Hello? You there? (silence sigh) Ok guess you aren't there... well anyhow (enter message here.)" LOL

    Only my family and my best friend in town leave messages on my machine like that. Everyone else is like "sorry we missed you. This is so and so doing this and selling this or from whereever..." :P

    I mostly got that way cause when my brother was my roommmate and terrible at letting our phone bill run up etc etc, we'd get horrible people from ATT and SBC calling and telling me I was a terrible awful loathsome person for not paying my bill. And I'm wanting to cry and kill my brother all at once.

    So yeah... I know the feeling.


  2. In 2003-2004, and a little before that, things got really icky. Even now there are some odd random calls I prefer not to take on a moments notice. I can always call back. Lately I truly haven't been home much and so people leave messages much like the ones your family does. :oD Also, doing the FT Secretarial thing for 3 years took more out of me than I realised. I can't operate at 60 or 70%. When I am working I am all energy, all there at 110%. When I leave and go home, then I have to be "ON" there as well. So it was 110% 24/7 for 3 years.
    i just burned out. But I am realising that, and while there is a huge tempation to become a hermit, I am trying to find a balance.

    We don't get bill collectors anymore, since we refi'd the house and payed everybody off. It is a WONDERFUL feeling. Now when telemarketers call, we ask them what time they get off work, where they live (apt or house, we tell them "We're lonely" and ask them what they're wearing and do they like Gladiator movies etc.
    They usually don't call back and sometimes, even hang up on US.
