Monday, May 26, 2008

Alliance Highschool Class Foto

(Click the image for a proper view)

This is the combined Freshman and Sophomore class of the new Christian highschool in town.
The class foto theme was the brain-child of the students themselves, and I was priviledged to be allowed to be one of the shooters to help facilitate their vision.

This is one of the first pics out of my camera.
I look at them and I weep.
Because having a son who is graduating this year with all of his friends whom I have known since their 5th grade year, it is a melancholy time. I am saying goodbye to a generation of kids that I have grown to love. I realise in a new way, how fleeting are the years that we get to have our kids living at home with us. To have the pleasure of their company and that of their friends as well.

And so...I look at this next group of highschoolers - my daughters class - whom I have known many of them since their first grade years. How much more intense will my emotion be when they achieve their highschool graduation? I dare not ponder it.

It is a thing to hold dear in ones heart. A thing to memorise - each face - each smile - each sense of humour, and commit to memory.

Time is fleeting.
Love is eternal.

BlanDrew's Newest Performance

So the boys performed at a Benefit at Shevlin Park Friday night, but I didn't go because tixx were $40 a pop. Instead I waited for the one that was at The Hangar last night. THey opened for Heath McNease who is really awesome. Anyway, they are always tardy in giving me copies of their work for archival purposes, so I have taken to collecting my own, using the video function on my still cam.

Anyway, the following is one of three entries from The Lumber Jack Concert at The Hangar.