Sunday, February 24, 2019

Daily status

Wow I managed to sleep 12 and 1/2 hours last night! Don't know where that came from.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Snow: Better seen in full screen.

It's the most wonderful thing to wake up to.  Perfect time to grab a morning cuppa Joe.

Monday, February 18, 2019


I can't believe I am growing tangerine's in the Irish room!  The plant was a gift from a neighbor.  She said that, because it is an ornamental tangerine tree, the fruit is not edible, however, I've been googling it and it seems that they are indeed edible and will mature in the Fall.  They should be roughly 2 inches in diameter.  These guys are only 1 inch or less right now.  I am pretty stoked!

Does any one among you know anything about caring for these?

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Reasons I am leaving Facebook, Episopde 1

First off, I don't like how it brings out the worst in me.  It is causing me to see the worst in people (as if I need any help with that to begin with...) which in turn, causes me to tend to react in a negative way.

Secondly, I am disgusted by the political memes. I am so disappointed that the people who click "share" on them, don't even think before they do so.  Their memes are not news. They do not come from news sources.  In fact, the stuff they are sharing is propaganda devised by those who hate our nation, both within and outside of our borders. You can even point this out to the people who share such "news", and it doesn't matter if they are Liberal or Conservative, Republican or Democrat both camps are guilty.  What i find disgusting is that, these friends of mine who share this BS are too lazy to check their facts.  They are too quick to react with a gut response that "tickles their ears".  And if they are proven wrong, they simply don't care because they are so bent in their own way.  They apparently do not care that, by their sharing of these memes, THEY are helping to take America down the toilet.  They refuse to educate themselves and change the way they do things.

I can't watch this anymore.

Nor will I let propaganda control my perspectives.  I will not be a puppet, like my political-meme-sharing friends.  If people have their own ideas to share, in their own words, that is much better, in my opinion.

I see so many people leaving facebook now, not just leaving but deleting their accounts.  I think this is a healthy alternative.

So I can simply email the blog link, and people will be able to say "hi", and comment when it is convenient for them.