Thursday, December 9, 2004

Paper Klips


So, you're working away, doing office/clerical junk, paper pushing etc. You are reaching for the paper Klips in the handy magnetic-top box thingie, and then you pull out klips like THESE...

Now, maybe two paper klips getting tangled in the dispenser, while still irritating, is understandable. Ok, but you KNOW that little chain didn't happen all by itself! What is UP with that? And who was messing with it? Somebody down at the bank? (where we get our bulk paper klips). Were they talking on the phone, yakkity yakking away and absently creating this "obstacle-to-productivity?" Was it some bored kid waiting for his mom to get of work who created this atrocity?

Who DOES these things????

On a sperate note:

See this cute movie sent to the Hammered Dulcimer Community

It is Chinese musicians playing Turkish music.

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