Tuesday, December 7, 2004

Editorial Policies and Practical Jokes

Well it appears that many good bloggers are taking the high road, crafting or adopting editorial policies. Let me assure you that you will find no such high-mindedness here.

My "Editorial Policy" is as follows.

As it compares to blogs spanning the globe:

-This blog will steadfastly remain "The slum of Blogville".

-This blog will ever be representative of the Blogville Bum, the disturbed person found in everytown, ambling down the streets to no where, talking incessantly to him/her self or no one in particular.

-This blog will always be of no real interest to anyone except me and the oddlings who watch it simply out of morbid curiousity.

Not to belittle the bloggers who adopt editorial policies, no not at all. I am just not as clear minded a blogger as they, so this is what you're stuck with when you come here:


In other news:

My, my, my, what fun we can have with a paper towel tube, as we use it to play a practical joke on our boss.

One might ask, "is it advisable to play practical jokes upon ones boss?"

Good question.

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