Tuesday, December 28, 2004
On Location
So the potato, cheese, bacon stew is on the stove. I need to find bread or something else to fill them too. Maybe just plain pizza dough baked up focacia style will serve?
More to come, some other day.
Maybe I will go and blog the beleef thing.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
yay! It lives again!
Other mistakes....ok well probably, but not THAT one again.
I will never again mistake the option to "System Restore" as a miraculous time machine for the salvation of my computers ills and woes.
As an act of penance I have payed the appropriate fee's to the I.T. guy, who worked on it for 3 hours.
I am humbled an contrite.
My momentary excitement at discovering yet another potential time portal in my very own home obliterated every sensible thought, and sent me careening down the garden path.
(*Raises right hand*)
From here on in, I do solemnly swear that I will not go monkeying with any more oddments found in my computer, without first seeking wise council from some one who is not me.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Tima Machine Abuse
My computer has been sent back in time and too far..
To a nearly infantile state.
I will be back when Lap Jr is RESTORED to it's proper age.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Where is Kraftwerk When you need them??
The fax/printer/copier has cacked itself to the tune of $2000+.
The frontdesk computer is being really stupid too.
I suspect it is because it's old, but also because my boss' son built it himself.
Anyway, the phone is ringing off the hook with really bizarre people wanting really bizarre things.
My boss wants me to make all his problems go away.
Of course the minute do, hey will yell at me for not checking with him first.
So,when he trotted out his little, "take care of it and don't bring it to me" song and dance, I came right back with hey its $2000+ of YOUR money. I am giving you all the data so thatyou can make your own educated decision about how YOU want to spend YOUR money with YOUR machine.
It was kinda funny because he suddenly backed right down andhis whole demeanor changed and his tone of voice and everything.
So there!
I have a two-story window with this computers name on it.
I will have Donna take a photo from across the street when I do it.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Haggis Hunt
I guess we shoud all prepare to join it the Haggis Hunt
My Sonic Foundry won't do what I want it to.
My wav files don't want to upload properly, or play all theway through if they DO upload.
I am buried under a mountain of filing, which is keeping me from what I really need to do which is finishing the next database. And then A co worker wants me to upgrade my quickbooks and it keeps locking up and not upgrading. I say screw the quickbooks. I rarely use it now anyway, and I have more pressing matters to deal with right now, sorry sister.
She won't like that, but o well.
I am frustrated that every night this week is booked.
Tonight the girls have a concert.
Wednesday night is Blakes Youth leader meeting.
Thursday is Scouts youth group, and my production team meeting.
Friday is another performance night for the girls, and Saturday is the final performance.
Then Sunday we set lights for the next production. Monday night is a dress rehearsal.
I have 4 days to complete the costume and prop needs.
That doesn't count my own Cmas shopping and shipping.
I should probably get all that done this week. I want to have my daytimes next week, free to do stuff with the kids.
I know that the "Tyranny of the Urgent" will attempt to lay demands on my time. I am going to have to say "no" to alot of worthwhile things.
I wish I wasn't the only adult in my house who is able to decide on priorities and then have to work at keeping them straight.
It appears that I am the only adult in my household who is doing that, it makes me feel like I have to do it for everybody else so that the house doesn't "tip over."
I am tired of carrying the house by myself.
I am tired of being the only one to understand what the priorites are, and being the one who has to forever keep them before the eyes of everyone else.
I am tired of excuses.
I wonder what would happen if I died?
What if the house fell over?
It's the kids who would suffer.
I almost feel like I don't dare die, becuase there seems to be too much riding on me.
What will happen when I can't carry it anymore?
The day is coming alot faster than the rest of them know.
It could even be on the doorstep.
In the end it's the kids who suffer.
That's why I pray everyday that they will know that deep, abiding confidence that comes from knowing that God doesn't always take away the storm, but He does remain with us through it all.
That is why I pray that they will know that God hates suffering.
It was never His that the forces of evil perpetrate, for this temporary time, utter crap on His beloved.
Even so, this polluted earth must run it's course.
I pray that they will see how HE uses all things, good and vile, to bring about positive things within the hearts of people if they will let Him.
It is the only thing that will remain unchanging and good and true for their sojourn on this planet.
We all long to be free.
But we do not have the right to choose our own coming and going.
But we do long to be free of this Fleshly Tent and be with Him.
Even so, the rest of the day is before me with all of it's filing and DNS Error messages.
With all of its busyness and bills to pay.
With all of it's secret joys in a kid singing her solo in front of a packed house and she thinks nothing of it.
In the quiet moment I spend in my daughters room after "praying her up" when we talk quietly about her days, and laff at freaky stuff.
There are somedays when I just say:
"enh! life is hell sometimes God, but I am glad that I have it.
I am glad I am me.
Let me do all that You want in the time I have left, so that I can leave some of You here after I've gone home.
Most of all God, I am sure glad I have You."
**Donna thinks I should let the house fall over.
She thinks I am being the enabler.
Funny, that's what my pastors wife said.
That is what my friend, who is also a counselor, has said in the past." **
Maybe by holding up the house myself, I am weakening the real foundation?
If I step out from under the house, will it be my fault if it crumbles, cracks or crashes?
Won't I then have guilt?
Is it my job to rebuild the "Foundation?"
At least THAT is one thing I know for sure.
Monday, December 13, 2004
O Christmas Tree...
It was pretty entertaining watching Stu stand on a bar stool trying to put the star and the upper ornaments on it. We went up into the Nat'l Forest to hunt for it "Griswold style." With Scout, Kenz and I all going, "This one right here is fine," and Stu going, " No, no, we need to find the perfect tree. Look, there are a whole bunch of doug firs up there on that hill..." Hear Scout moan. Hear Kenz go, " Daaaaa-aad!" See mom raise her eyebrow. Uh - huh. Not gonna say anything. Nope. Nuh-uh. Scout was pleased to be this years lumber-jack, as Blake was out plotting the next film with Emery. She yelled "tim-berrrrrr!" at the appropriate moment and the we dragged our kill back to the lair.
And it's now official, the worst commercial since Tom Peterson has officially aired in Eugene.
Glad my back was facing the camera on this one. It is the kind where the business owner actually speaks to the camera in his own commercial. I don't know what posesses people, when they are faced with the opportunity to promote their business via TV commercial. Apparently their brain shorts out, causing them to loose all good judgement, and think they can succeed where other business owners have failed. And failed miserably I might add.
I can't think of a commercial where the business owner actually came across as not lame in his own commercial. Right here in Bend there is a popular furniture store. It's always had quirky-but-cool little animated commercials. Suddenly, the owner decides to appear in the shot. It was an appalling shock. All respect I had for that store suddenly drowned in the sea of lameness.
Anyway, I got a phone call from a friend in Eugene who saw it and recognised me from the back of my head. (!)
Anyway... a dollar is a dollar I guess.
Thursday, December 9, 2004
Paper Klips
So, you're working away, doing office/clerical junk, paper pushing etc. You are reaching for the paper Klips in the handy magnetic-top box thingie, and then you pull out klips like THESE...
Now, maybe two paper klips getting tangled in the dispenser, while still irritating, is understandable. Ok, but you KNOW that little chain didn't happen all by itself! What is UP with that? And who was messing with it? Somebody down at the bank? (where we get our bulk paper klips). Were they talking on the phone, yakkity yakking away and absently creating this "obstacle-to-productivity?" Was it some bored kid waiting for his mom to get of work who created this atrocity?
Who DOES these things????
On a sperate note:
See this cute movie sent to the Hammered Dulcimer Community
It is Chinese musicians playing Turkish music.
This Thing is on Endless Repeat
While I kinda slept.
This song.
Played all night long in my head.
It is still there...
"The Kilburn High Road."
Why does it do that?
The song gets lodged in your brain.
Is that normal?
O sure, maybe for a few hours?
But days on end?
It makes me think of those towns in India and the Middle East, where they play the religious broadcasts or music or a guy singing all day and all night without stopping.
That what it feels like going on in my head.
Flogging Molly playing this one song over and over and over again.
I can hear them while I'm typing.
I can hear them while I sleep.
I am crazy.
it IS a good song.
"...and the Rosary beads
count 'em one, two, three
fell apart as they hit the floor.
In our garb of black we will pay respect
to the colour we're born to mourn.
Walk away me boys, walk away me boys
and by mornin' we'll be free.
Wipe that golden tear from yer mother dear
and raise what's left of the flag for meeeee-aaahhhh! "
- Flogging Molly, What's left of the Flag.
Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Easy Quick and Fun!
Not like it's all that complicated, but it made me think of Carl Thor and how we played whistles during last summers Chatter Creek Jam, and it just came natural. Kinda like lon25 and his bass.
Something just seemed to fit the way he plays and thinks his music. Kinda like my mom's half of the family and all their musicianship-this is the half of the family I don't speak about. The Celt side of the fam. The annoying side of the fam. The "Our way is the ONLY way" side of the family.
The "fiddle playing patriarch-who-destroyed-what -ever-good-thots-they-had-of-God" side of the family. His fiddle was mine. I inherited the dang fiddle gene. So instead I avoid the fiddle and it's rotten learning curve, opting instead for the kinder, gentler whistles.
Anyway, Flogging Molly has ALOT of good whistle tunes on their CD. This should be a fun winter. Maybe I will go to Dulcimer Fest in Spring? I am sure Carl will be there. Sure? Heck I know he'll be there. It's good to have a safe place to be creative. To let your heart fly on the wings of the tempo.
Maybe, maybe, maybe...
I have been listening to Flogging Molly alot lately, and now I have "The Kilburn High Rd." stuck in my head. Which is not so bad a thing, I suppose.
"...Many's the day I took for granted
Breathing the air that silenced some.
As the North wind blew with its head of thunder
Beating it's breast with a war drenched song...
So we're the kings of it all,
From the day we were born,
We're the kings of the Kilburn High.
Sure we'll always take a drop,
and we'll never leave a sup,
Your empty glass is but a tear filled eye...
we're the Kings of the Kilburn High..."
Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Editorial Policies and Practical Jokes
My "Editorial Policy" is as follows.
As it compares to blogs spanning the globe:
-This blog will steadfastly remain "The slum of Blogville".
-This blog will ever be representative of the Blogville Bum, the disturbed person found in everytown, ambling down the streets to no where, talking incessantly to him/her self or no one in particular.
-This blog will always be of no real interest to anyone except me and the oddlings who watch it simply out of morbid curiousity.
Not to belittle the bloggers who adopt editorial policies, no not at all. I am just not as clear minded a blogger as they, so this is what you're stuck with when you come here:
In other news:
My, my, my, what fun we can have with a paper towel tube, as we use it to play a practical joke on our boss.
One might ask, "is it advisable to play practical jokes upon ones boss?"
Good question.
Monday, December 6, 2004
The Snow is back
See what I woke up to:
See my office building:
Out of the window across from my desk:
The vet clinic seen from that window:
(This is where Donna and I watch all the doggies in the play yard. We watched a boxer climbover this fence once, and we get to see all the horses in the corral too.)
Looking out the front window across the highway and back toward the school:
It has been snowing steadily since before I woke up, and there are at least 2 more inches on the ground sincethese photo's were taken.
They are saying it is supposed to snow clear through 4pm, but I THOUGHT they said until tomorrow at 4pm, which if temps remain reasonable we should have a bunch of loveliness for a good long while.
Friday, December 3, 2004
Conan O'Brien Link : India Tech Support Bit
It is freakin' hilarious!
I sent the link to some people privately, but it is far too histerical to keep to ourselves,
It is about 5 min. long, and you must have speakers.
There are no language or questionable content issues.
"Wiser Birds go 'Round the Corner?"
Well I survived the battle (read "The Meeting") In fact, there was no battle at all.
At least not during the meeting. When I got home though, there was a subtle demeaning of the meeting (at least it wasnt' me this time.) It reminded me of something Ian McKellan once said in an interview, he was describing a cast member who would just come right out and challenge things right outin the open if he didn't agree or understand something. It was Mr. McKellan's opinion that it was better to go 'round the corner and deal with it quietly. Well, maybe in some cases, but mostly, this just ends up as gossip and back biting and tearing down of leadership and authority. I think it is a wrong way to deal with questions and situations. "Wiser birds go 'round the corner" indeed! More like "people who have no backbone and people who want to spread strife go 'round the corner." Anyway, so this was what occurred afterward. I think I came out unscathed though as I didn't join in the secretive nay-saying, because it was just that. Backdoor subversiveness coming from an ill-heart. Why do people need to disturb the waters with discontent when all the other workers are pretty happy with the process and outcome of their endeavors? Some people just can't handle harmony I guess.
Anyway, so at the end of it all, I ended up as
Casting/Prop/Wardrobe Diva for the Christmas eve Service.
The technical is going to be larger than they’ve done before, because they finally got a lighting designer, (which they have needed for a long time for these things.)
Anyway...onward to a brighter day....
Things to look forward to?
Tonight is pizza night! Yaya!
Tomorrow is taking doing the last of my Christmas shopping and getting the ingredients for Scout's volcano for school on Monday. She wants to put explosives in it, like fire-crackers and what not. I don't imagine that her partner Bill will mind. And the teacher? She might go for it too. Such is the blessing of being in a small school. You can do other things that bigger schools can't.
I hope to play some Exile on the big TV inthe family room with the surround sound on. It is a blast having all the kids sit around taking turns playing it. I don't think they've ever enjoyed these games more. When they get frustrated, they go get something to snack on and pass the mouse to somebody else for a while. If they have an insight they tell the "Mouse Operator" and if it works, great! It has been a fun family game for us to play this way. Forget board games.
I hope to put up my fake tree in my own studio this weekend as well. Maybe have a holiday ale and put up the tree. Oh! the biggest happy happy, is that the studio is loaning me a copy of Sound Forge so that I can record some better snippets for the office Christmas CD.
What fun it will be!
I think I am finding a little bit of holiday spirit after all.
Oh and on a completely random note:
Donna has begun to call me, “Matilda.”
In turn, I have begun to refer to her using the moniker of her favorite Spaniard “Paloma.”
Thursday, December 2, 2004
beleef -vs- "RL"
I will probably move that last one to the "Beleef" section, although sometimes
it's difficult to seperate the "Belief Life" from "Corporeal Life", for lack of any clearer term.
They frequently overlap. I guess thats why the "Time between times" and the Endless knot, and the "Thin places" of the world capture my imagination so easily.
The battle may yet rage....
I go into a potential ambush in about 1 hour.
I hope I don't give up.
I keep hearing the words of a favorite author in one of his battle scenes.
There was a horrific battle with large enemies. The battle chief overseeing the protagonist kept advising him through out the battle, "Do not trade blows with this enemy. You must strike first, strike hard, and kill them straightway. Do not trade blows with them."
It makes me think of spiritual battles.
"Do not trade blows with the enemy."
Know what you know.
Know why you know it.
Use that knowledge as both sword and/or shield.
"Do not trade blows with them."