Monday, May 16, 2005

Its a new week and SOUNDS update

...and I have a training today on the new e-copier, and I need to finish up
this project for NWHDS, and I think I will update the SOUNDS link over in the side bar.

Today is a hug day.


But tomorrow is a new day, and I only have 14 days left of actual office time.

I can't wait to start assembling some of the images for RIMH.
But that will have to wait until summer.

Started culling through the numerous originals, in order to get some stuff ready for sale.
Where I have no clue.
I am just doing what I'm told. (Isn't THAT a change?!)

It irritates me that some of them are really small, so I guess, in order to keep the main project on track I need to do it in right order:

At some point though I am going to have to reproduce the originals and make them the appropriate size, that being at lease 23x35 or greater. Preferably twice that size.
But thats just me.
I need them to be big.
Big enough to remind me of food.
Big enough to be edible.
Big enough to grok.


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