Thursday, May 12, 2005

And now onward to other bizarre things that annoy me:

Such as the following brand of Christianity:

I cannot believe I actually know people who DO this:
I found out through the grape vine (my kids) that a local family refuses to purchase
a Western U.S. brand of Cola because on the label there are many stars, and SOME of them are upside down.

But wait...there's more...

They will not purchase A POPULAR HOT COCOA MIX BRAND, because on the package, the marshmallows depicted in the mug have melted into the Yin/Yan shape.

Wha Happen?

What happened to sense here?

I was pondering this, and thinking, ok so now, these same people proclaim that Christ died to take away the penalty for what we earn via our own poor/angry/self-centered choices. They proclaim that this forgiveness cannot be earned, but rather, is a free gift to anyone who chooses to accept this forgiveness, and a gift from God Himself. Not because one has done enough "good deeds. "
(In reality, God Himself says, all of our GOOD deeds are equal to sh _t as far as He is concerned, so don't even bother trying to earn brownie points.)

Ok, now so look at this particular family, knowing that they profess that the above is true.
(Which it is.)

What are they doing to make themselves "Holy?"
Do? As in Deeds? As in Earn?
They shun packaging because of what it looks like on the outside?
Have they not reduced portions of their faith to "salvation based on works?"

"oooo if I drink that Soda with the upside down stars on the label, I will surely be bound for hell!"

Welcome to legalism at its most ridiculous!

Yes, it is also true that faith without works is dead. God even says it in the Bible, but it is the joy and love of God that comes first via the faith and forgiveness. The translation from inner heart condition to daily behaviours first comes from the restored relationship and the understanding of that intimate relationship that He desires, which finds it's natural out working in our deeds.
To try to earn Gods favour with out accepting the relationship is to put the cart before the horse.
To take portions of the the Bible and to disregard other parts is foolishness.

God Himself also defines acceptable from unacceptable behaviours in the Bible, and when HE does, we are commanded (not asked) to suck it up and just do it, (or refrain from doing it) and there is no room for argument.
Some things truly are black and white from His perspective, and His perspective is way more valid than mine, or yours, or this family's. After all, if I am going to say that I believe in God, then it is to say that He is smarter than me. (or You or this family)
And who is going acknowledge a smarter being and then choose not to heed what they say?
Who would choose to be stupid when there is a chance to follow along and learn something for a change?

Every body screws up.
It doesn't matter if you know God or not.
Nobody is perfect (anymore).
It's part of being trapped in this flesh tent for the time being.
Imperfection and lack of full knowledge just go with the territory here.
Someday, in HIS OWN good time, He will release us from this tent, and we will then see things as they really are.

I can't believe I know people like this family.
I thought it was impossible:
To be so legalistic about things that are not put forth in the bible, but to also take extreme liberties with other portions of the bible that they don't want to obey.
God is lock-stock-and-barrel.
You can't pick a little bit and leave the rest.
You have to take it all, or none at all.
If they really new the bible they profess to live by, then they would know this.

Jesus Himself gave only two choices.
He proclaimed that He Himself was God incarnate.
He didn't claim to be a prophet or wise teacher.
Therefore He only gave us a black and white choice:
Either you believe what He says, or you don't.
There is no middle ground.
I could go on FOR DAYS about this, but I will stop now.

As I rethink this, in all fairness I have to give way and say that some people have sensitivites of concience where other's don't.
Perhaps this Cola/Cocoa label is one (freaky) example of such sensitivities.
After all, God Himself tells us we are accountable to be "True To The Light We Are Given."

As for me, and for today,
I am buying the cheap Western Family Brand of Cola,
and I have no qualms what so ever about drinking Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa Mix.

And so say all of us!

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