Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My Weasely Black Guts...

While working on the illo's for the childrens book a terrible thot came to me:

"...if I approached the "Acme Publishing Company" with the manuscript, now what with all this flap about Shaivo and feeding tubes and heroic medical life saving measures and what not, they may see fit to cash in on the publicity and publish our book."

I can hardly believe such a callous thot came into my head.

Cynical as it sounds, that is how the publishing industry is, now matter how they might try to whitewash themselves.

That is why I will be self publishing again.

I am not Martha Stewart, Lauren Becall, Nancy Stafford or Russell Cronkite.
I have no big name, no easily pidgeonhole-able content to market.
I have not already targeted a market for my subject matter, so that I can present it to the acquisitions people in editorial.
It's a a sleeper.
But to those who need it, it has already made a difference, even with out the illo's.

Publishing has become more about quantity not quality.

That is why I think Ryan has been an encouragement and he doesn't even know it.

Self publishing may really be the best solution, allowing one to maintain ones integrity and to make available, something worth reading.

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