Saturday, February 5, 2005

I won a Major Award


It is NOT a lamp shaped like a leg!

As James Lileks says,"There is no such thing as bad publicity."

I should let Bryan define the Chastening Head:

(Here I have cut and pasted a snippet, for the whole story you should check out his post on this subject. )

Quoting Bryan:

"Lileks also likes to throw in the perennial Chastening Perry Mason head- a graphic indication of Lilek's Glare of Disapproval toward whatever recipient he deems fit. I think it is a good literary device in the Blogosphere, one I wish to adopt if Mr. Lileks doesn't mind too much. I have quite a use for a Chastening agent on occasion. However, I do not believe that using the aforementioned Mr. Perry would be appropriate as he is a de facto employee of The Bleat. I have, then, assembled a cast of replacement Chastening Agents to use. I desire that you voice your opinions as to which should be adopt by the Metablogger as our In-house Chastening Agent. Put your opinion in the Comments section. I'm also looking for suitable write-in candidates; feel free to nominate your own. Mind you, I'll need a suitable picture of the candidate showing the appropriate, errmmm... guise. "

Bryan also has assembled at the above link, a gallery of images for his readers to vote on. Such notables as Perry Mason, and Saffron. Alfalfa, and Scotty of the Starship Enterprise (My personal favorite).

But as of today I get to carry out the chastening agent duties for the time being.

(Or up until I incurr the wrath of the bloghost, (which may take no time at all) resulting in the deployment of my own chastening glare upon myself?)

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