Saturday, April 2, 2011

Game Lounge Still Lives Thanks to Video Surveillance Cameras!

I think I may have gained the upper hand on this horrific respiratory thing!
Just in time to volunteer some hours at the Game Lounge.

A friend of mine, who already runs a perfectly good business servicing computers, started up a second business - a game lounge.

Our town desperately needs this game lounge.
In a town with a population of less than 2000, there are not so many options for entertainment during the winter months especially. Our kids NEED something to DO rather than drugs and vandalism and generally getting into trouble.

So the # Peaks Game Lounge opened Christmas break. They charge $5 per hour to play games (inlcuding use of the pool table), and if you just want to come in and hang out and "lounge" around watching without playing, then you only have to pay $1 cover charge. $20 gets you in for an entire day of game play. Since that 1st day they have barely made a dime, even though there is almost ALWAYs someone there. Well, with the potential of permanent closure looming April 1st, my friend decided to watch the video security cam tapes.
Lo and behold, he discovered he was being robbed. On a daily basis! The responsible parties were arrested and jailed, but that didn't solve the problem of the deep financial hole in which the game lounge came to rest. Permanent closure still appeared to be looming on the horizon. Local parents were appalled and students and parents alike came forward to volunteer man hours in order to keep the game lounge running and allow it to recupe some of its losses.

The beauty of the security camera's allows there to be no argument as to blame no matter what is going on at any given time 24-7. For security, I am SOLD on video surveillance. It was all there in glorious black and white. No question. It was obvious who the guilty parties were, and due to the multiple angles of all the cameras there was no way a person could turn their body to hide or shield what they were doing.

Video security ROCKS!

So anyway... today is my day to volunteer. Actually, Thursday night was also my day to volunteer but I didn't figure he wanted me in there with a raging fever so my friend went in instead.

There is renewed hope for the game lounge in Sisters.
It's pretty cool.

Maybe I will take some photos of the interior tonight so you can see how warm and homey it is in there.

1 comment:

  1. I'm awaiting the homey photo's, Homie! Not that you're not busy or anything!!!!
