Sunday, February 12, 2006

NCASD Co. Soup Line and Movie Terror

NCASD Co. Soup Line: Cajun Chili Gets Funky

So today is Sunday.
I began soaking the beans yesterday, per the receipe provided by Brian.
Ok so, in our small mountain tourist town we don't have "Ham Beenz Cajun" so I am improvising.
Now is the time to be afraid.

So instead of the "provided Spice Packet" I must improvise.
Basil, Fennel, Cayenne, Red Pepper, White pepper, Garlic, onion, Tomato Sauce extraordinaire, scrap the tom paste - ain't got it. Yellow Onion. Red Onion. Purple Onion. Paprika. Red Wine.
Kielbasa, and Chourice. The lemon juice too.

So it has a more northerly, Portuguese-Italian-Cajun slap to it's face.
Instead of Fresh water, I used Bathwater - NO NO ! Just KIDDING!
I made up a batch of beef/onion/vegetable broth on Friday for use in this mess.

I am tempted to throw some okra in there to thicken things, but will restrain myself.
I will let you know if it ends up edible.
Such is my way in the kitchen.

(Pizza and "normal" cajun food aside, for these things I CAN cook properly - Oh and REAL Chai made the East Indian way.)

Suggested NCASD In Flight Movie: FLIGHT PLAN

Have you seen Flight Plan yet???
Now that you have kids, it will make your blood run cold!
Jodie Foster is perfect, as always!

1 comment:

  1. Flight Plan? No, I haven't seen it yet, and I didn't think it was likely until you said anything as I used to be a big Jody Foster fan until the movie Contact, which went out of it's way to make Christians look like nutcases.

    Good luck on the bean soup... and if that doesn't turn out, I have another recipe I made last night. I'd have posted it already, but I have a pic or two on the digicam that I didn't get around to uploading, so it'll be tonight, and it's goood... Give you a little hint: it's Italian...
