Wednesday, February 1, 2006

If you listen to John Kerry...

You might be tempted to think that, as he puts it, we could be eradicate our dependence upon foreign oil within 10 years.
What complete and utter crap.
What an idiotic, self absorbed toad.
I order to achieve his own ends he would insinuate that the government is in coplete control of the auto industry and the individual choice of people.
It just shows how clueless and arrogant John Kerry is.

His statement that "it is not the American people who are addicted to oil, but this administration" is ludicrous. Look at how we plow through, not only oil, but energy as a whole.
I remember a news blurb from a few years back that illustrates the american mentallity on its own comfort. There was a serious heat wave in southern Cal. There were brown outs and what not, and in man-on-the-street interviews, people acknowledged that they needed to cut back, but when pressed with the question "were they going to limit use of their own air conditioners?" almost to a man, they answered, "No way."

The american people are VERY used to their comforts.
Right down to the last man.

So Mr Kerry, you and people like you , need to stop shouting at the American people and engage them instead. You people who watch the news and believe stuff like his statements, out of hand, need to think past the words.

The government can eradicate our dependence upon foreigh oil?
Yes with a HUGE invasive government that bleeds our pockets dry through the taxation needed to support its ponderous weight. And then, you want to hear peopel cry foul at government poking its nose into provate lives, wait till they legislate every singe mile we drive.
But that would be ok with some people, because they have to be combative and have their way, even if their way is worse than what we had to begin with.

Thats my rant and I am sticking to it.

John Kerry is FULL of lies and crap.
George Stephanopoulus (clintin administration) doesn't even have a good word for the guy.


  1. The secret to it is... NOT listening to John F-ing Kerry. Makes life a lot more tolerable.

  2. well yes indeedo!
    but it is amazing how many very bright people, no matter what politacal party they subscribe to, take verbatim what a politician, or media "expert" has to say as gospel.

    And highschoolers looking toward excersizing their right to vote, sometimes take as fact, pretty sounding speeches that are no more based in reality than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
