Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Did Someone Say There Weren't Going to Be Posts Here For Awhile?

Heh, I think there'll be a comment or two here and there in the interim...

-Blue (Ground Control)


  1. Could you be so kind as to forward this URL to Michelle? Thank you... :)


    the site went live today...


  2. Bryan thanks a buhzillion!
    Feel free to write to your hearts content here.
    Write with wild abandon. Suspend all disbelief.
    Write fiction.
    Write limericks.
    Write me a check - oh, no wait..that one was wrong.
    Anyway, feel free to abandon accountability and write like a crazy-man here.
    I know I do.
    Uh...crazy-WOMAN though.
    Ya know.

    There it is.

    And I am curious to know who built/is admining the Sisters site? it reminds me of some work a friend of mine has done in the past.

