Monday, August 14, 2006

Boy does MY face hurt!

Yes and please feel free to commence with the typical "Face Hurting" jokes.

Now that we have that out of our systems, man! We are all coughing, sneezing, wheezing around here, with a side order of the occasional bloody nose.
So the Lake George fire has now grown to about 2,000 acres.
Lessee, Blakc Crater was aout 9,000 acres by the time they got it under control.
Still the wind is blowing the smoke from Lake George stright into town today and it is nasty stuff.
Although they say that , as far as smoke inhalation / 2nd hand smoke notions are concerened, the Fire Fighter standard is this : "Wood SMoke is good Smoke." I guess as far as smoke inhalation goes. And even then, I see these guys comin' off thelines with bleary-red/black eyes. Wanting Saline and and Visine. So smoke in a fair quantity, even "Good Wood Smoke" still equates to being bad smoke.

ANyway, the winds are picking up and starting to blow more to the East so it may push the fire closer toward Balck Butte Ranch again - dang - it for yourself.
Silly me!

Anyway, there it is.

For those who have been following along via the, you can also get a nfty updated image from Google Earth showing the recent fire activity around here.

You can cruise over to the Western Edge of the United States

The nearest town is Sisters, Oregon.

The locations where the fires are buring nearby are:

-Mt Washington
-Black Crater Butte
-George Lake (this is the big fire going right now.)

Have fun googling.

(did I ever mention how much I hate Google?)



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