Thursday, August 10, 2006

Another new Fire

It started at about 2pm today, details here.
I was at a baby shower and we had a few nice sprinkles from the clouds o'er head, and then some one saw a flash.
We all said, "no no, it was Carla's camera. Open the next gift."
Well, lo and behold, it was lightning in the distance.

So right now there is a pretty fair column.
When the fire smoke rises straight up in a great column, it means that the fire is burning hot at the base - not a good thing - and the smoke rises up and up until it gets caught in the air currents higher up and carried what-ever-direction is is going to go.

If the smoke is at ground level, fouling every ones eyesight and lungs, then it means the fire is not necessarily burning so hot and that is a good thing - unless you are a pair of lungs or eyeballs. Then it is somewhat annoying.
Many people in town are now suffereing from what the Fire Crews are : "Camp Crud." It is a virus that comes along behind immune systems which have been over taxed by smoke inhalation and close quarters among humans. Scout came down with it this morning. I hope she is well enough by Satruday so that she can go to the High Desert Highland Games on Saturday.
Gotta keep our priorities straight, after all.

So onward to the next fire.

Our church hosted a Community event on Monday night to thank all of the firefighters.
There was pie and ice cream and gifts and hearty thank yous for all fire fighters in attendance, served by community members.

It was a good night.

I have a feeling there will be many more before the season is through.

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