Monday, April 3, 2006

Free to Bad Home : Updated

I am cutting the canvas, "Die Die Die, Hateful Thing" from it's frame.
It will have one of two fates:
-Unholy incense rising to above the juniper trees on the beir we shall call "Burn Pile."
-Fold it mercilssly and cram in an envelope and mail it to you. Contact me privately with shipping coordinates.

(I dunno, I wonder if that would then qualify as "Hate Mail?" I can't think of anyone I would want to do that to.)


It's gone.



  1. Awww...
    Well I guess it's theraputic burning... but on the other hand you could always put it on Ebay and see what suc... I mean art afficiando pays heavy duty cash for it. ;)

    You'd be surprised what people buy from Ebay... just look at the grilled cheese sandwich with the Virgin Mary that sold for several 1000. O_O


  2. Yeah, I had to sell my Motor Home to buy it.



  3. I didn't know you had a motor home? I just thought that was a van you lived in. ;)

