Wednesday, June 22, 2005

What can people be thinking?

I don't know what has possessed me.
I don't know why I did it.
I managed to register at the Uru Obsession Forums.
I DON'T do forums.
On a wacky spree I decided to go register, thinking it would be no big deal and besides, alot of my good friends are there.
One of the first threads I find is of course, one about Mysterium.
"Oh good!" says I to myself, "I wonder who is going? (lucky dogs!)"
Let's go find out.
I see a couple of friends and it is cool, then I find the ugly head of weirdness raise itself up again.

Quoting one writer in the forums:

"...some people aren't going to Mysterium because they don't like what it has become..."

Well and what the Heek would THAT be? Hmm....?

Ultimately, it is the attendees that determine the spirit of Mysterium.
If you attend with a feeling of joy and a spirit of community, then Mysterium will be an awesome event. If you attend with a negative attitude and the idea that you will walk away dissatisfied, then you are likely to meet your own expectations. If you choose not to attend at all, then you forfeit your right to affect the outcome of Mysterium for yourself or anyone else. The planners simply arrange dates, negotiate with the hotels, suggest activities, and organize details. Nobody is required to stay at the hotels chosen, and no activity on the itinerary is considered mandatory. Mysterium is very loosely structured in order to give people the flexibility to engage in alternate activities should they so choose. What you do, who you associate with, where you go, and what attitude you carry are all up to you.
What Mysterium turns into is up to you.

But only if you attend.

So really, if there is anybody to blame, it's the people who vote.
The planners do not control things.
It has always been the Community who - oh WAIT!
I see it now!
Now I know what the writer of that quote meant!
He doesn't like the voting Community making the decisions that drive the event, making it what (ever) it's become.
NOW I see what he is getting at.

In this case, I think the writer of the above quote and I have something in common, because I have been coming to the same conclusion for the last couple of years.

Well, if I got nothing else from that ill conceived idea to join UO Forums, I at least got an education.

Well, its 2:21am. Time for normal people to be "in bed."
*eyes Leh and Scraper and The Good Doctor.*

Community = Frobozz Electric? (We ARE the Boss Of You!)
I suppose that would explain how so many are ending up totemized.

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