Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Re-Thinking the idea of "Home".

The house finally sold!

We close on May 31.

My plan is to have all of our crap moved off the property by the time the next Civil War event occurs - May 22nd.

This would give me that final week to deep clean everything before the new owners take the helm. The problem is that there is a shortage of storage units in the town. I am on a waiting list for one that may come available on May 9th. I am hoping and praying that the manager will let me have it!

Then I will just need to find one more, for the kids's stuff. It is an over whelming thought: to have to move all this crap again.

Fortunately over the course of the last year, I have down sized a lot. Even so, there are just some things that I am not ready yet to part with. There is a part of me that says I WILL again have a space of my own. In the mean time, there is a part of me that is REALLY excited about the possibility of taking a year off to live in a trailer and camp. Free from rent. Right now, there is nothing available to rent any way. I did find a couple of cute apartments in Prineville but that is 1.5 hours away from where I work in Sisters. I must be committed to this job for at LEAST two years, to see it through the Transition(tm).
After that, I may look for a "Big Girl" job in Bend.

 It is an opportune thing, that hte RV Show happens to be this weekend.
I have a pretty good idea already of what I want, and what I want to pay for it. But it never hurts to go to a place full of smart people and ask practical questions such as:
    -What are some practical tips on winter camping?
    -How DO I attach the sway bar correctly, to my weight distribution package?
   -I know that my Ford Explorer is "supposed" to be able to handle a towing limit of 7,000lbs, but
     seriously dude, what is realistic? Isn't it more like 3000-3800?
And other such questions.

 On the upside of this adventure in living, I have an excellent friend who, a few years ago, began to trick out her garage in order to turn it into an inhabitable apartment. She put in windows and started a bathroom and kitchenette, but then got distracted. She has VERY GRACIOUSLY offered to revisit that project, creating a space for me to rent at a price I can afford. The first order of business is to discover if the electrical panel needs to be upgraded, and if so, will it be sufficient to carry the extra load without having to re-wire the entire house. This is a huge investment on the part of my friend. And I need to make sure to invest in it as well, as a show of good faith.

Right now, in this area - and I am certain other areas as well - most people bring a take-home pay of approx. $900-$1600 per month. With rents being in excess of $1000 (for a 1 bdrm dump) to $1400-$2000 for a 2 bdrm apt, most people are looking into "alternative" housing options. It's just obscene what people charge for rent because they think they can get away with it. I would call down plagues on their heads if I could. People who give their tenants a 60 notice, because by Oregon Law they are only allowed to raise the rents by a certain percentage. If they want more than the law allows, they are allowed kick everybody out and make them re-apply for housing at the new, exhorbitant rate.
This is common here.
 I have no polite words to describe the sorts of plagues I feel these people need to experience. If you are some one I know and you are doing this, you better not let me know, because I will tell you to your face that you are absolute shit.


All of this to say that I am preparing my heart for new things. Sure. Everybody wants their own space. Sure I would love to use my mid-century dishware on a daily basis as I have been doing. But that comfort will have to wait. In the mean time, I CHOOSE to look forward to a life of "Adventure" in an RV.

 And I am sure that God will SHOW me a good time, in this life of "Adventure" in an RV. With the cats...Oh yes...

                                          My current trailer. 14 ft. 1210 lbs dry.

The Cats.
They had their first "adventure" in the trailer today. The home inspector was scheduled today so I had to get all of the pets out of the house. Ika went to work with me, but rather than cram the cats in a crate for 4 hours, I decided they should "train", by spending the afternoon in the trailer.
Funny thing, that...even though at the end of the afternoon, when I took them out and back into the house, they seemed none the worse for wear...somehow...I don't think they enjoyed it as much as I had hoped they would.

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