Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The World Loves a Good Story.

Guess what?

Dan Brown has OTHER books.

To hear people talk, you would think that his DaVinci Code was the only book he had ever written?
It's not as if The DaVinci Code was the result of some *mission* he was on to discredit the God of the Universe...dude is an author...he writes stories.
He has other ones.

What's funny though, is how many people actually don't get the fact that The DaVinci Code is a work of fiction.
I mean...just becuase you watch Star Trek or The Simpsons (or the Kennedy's), doesn't mean you believe everything you see/read?
(I know. Some of you needed a moment to think abou that "Star Trek part", get over it.)

Same with Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code.
Its an imaginatively told story based on an old myth, and written by a great author.
I guess even Dan Browm himself kinda forgets though too, so how can we blame the general populace for forgetting the difference between fact and fiction?

I mean, when his book first came out, he was on the road doing interviews to promo the book and he was very clear on the fact that this was purely a work of fiction, nothing more.

Then along comes Little Ronnie Howard and starts to make a movie, and Mr. browm goes back out on the interview circuit. Suddenly he is saying that his book, The DaVinci Code, was based upon facts gleaned from his own research?
(Hmmm...someone has certainly has had a significant lapse of memory...I *think* that both sets of interviews either took place on the Today show,
or a combination of Regis and Kelly and the Today Show.)

My own brother is just such a person.
When he first read The DaVinci Code a few years back ,he was all excited, saying ,
"Wow! This is really important research,"
even though at that time Dan Brown himself was pointing out the fact that it was a work of fiction.

As for me, I find it much easier to believe that The Lady of The Lake herself will pop up out of a stream during my next hike, or that Merlin or King Arthur will come trotting out from behind some massive old Oak, bearing the Grail themselves.

Sorry, as much I adore Celtic Folklore, it ain't true.

And neither is there an invisible map on the back of the Declaraton of Independence.

Anyway, Dan Brown is a terrific fiction writer.
Rather than fixate on one of his works, people should be inspired to read his other books.

Isn't that the usual pattern when we read an exciting and well written story?
We want to read the others too?

There are many stories in the world.
Some are worth incorporating some of the tenets into our lives to make the world a better place.
Some are not worth incorporating because they don't enhance our lives or anybody elses.

Stories are stories.

Thats why we love them.



  1. no, see, you're wrong.... Dan Brown only has one book. He just keeps re-writing it with slight plot changes and renamed characters. Really, read Deception Point or that other one about the computer code... They read just like The Da Vinci Code or Angels and Demons. Sorry, but Dan Brown is a horrifically dull, useless, one hit wonder.


    (love you mishy)

  2. LOL!

    Hey, are you going to Spokane this summer?


  3. Yes, plane ticket bought and hotel room reserved. Yey for me.

    I take it you'll be there?

  4. Whee!
    yes, I will be there as well!

    It will be good to see you then!


  5. Wheeeeee! *huggles Mysteriumites*

    I haven't finished the book, but I'm about half way through and I keep dubbling it the "DULL"vinci Code. It just puts me to sleep and doesn't excite my interest in the least.

    I have shirts for sale too that say "DullVinci Code
    Trite Fiction @ it's Best!"


