Saturday, May 20, 2006

Well, it's been a good long time...

...Since I posted something.

First off: New Art by me, here, here and here.


The next tirade is not for the faint-of-heart, for it deals with things that only a parent might stoop to, in dire times in the hours of the middle of the night. Rushing and Blue Max will have a special identification with this I think.

Ever since Thursday I have been cleaning up after a steady onslought of barf.

First Kenz got the dreaded 36 hour stomach flu, with sudden onset in the form of projectile vomiting, and complete emptying of stomach contents. Of course, this occurred on the hallway carpet. I refuse to go into detailed description of what I had to hand pick out of my carpet fibres, but you get the idea.

Next it was Scout at 4am this morning.
Why these kids can't get to a suitable puking place I will never know!
So I am picking "stuff" out of the sink drain at 4-frikkin-a.m.
I completely scour the kitchen and disinfect all doorknobs and computer keyboards and mouses and telephones and remote controls etc and am preparing to go back to bed at 7am.
I sleep for 1hour and awake to a phone call from my son who has gone on a trip 150+ miles away.
Before he even says it, I already know.

So there went a 6 hour trip to bring him home, cutting his 2day road trip short.
Boo hoo.

So far, the only ongoing malady at this late satruday night hour seems to be Scout. She cannot seem to shake the virus but remains feverish, and uncomfortable.


You may call me a ninny.
I care not one wit.

I am the mom who prefers to sleep on the floor of the kids bedroom when the kid is sick so that can hear their every breath. Even at the ripe old age of 16.

I am the mom who will "get a grip" and shove down her own sense of the hideously grotesque in order to pick barf out of the carpet in the middle of the night, and not harbor any lasting ill-will toward the child who created the debacle.

Now all you kids out there...(kids= anyone under the age of 25)...odds are most of you....
(and I am pretty sure I know who you are) need to turn your head around and look at your own mom(and/or dad), and realise that she (he) probably does/has done the same for you.

And she (he) would do it again in a heart beat.

To all of you who don't yet have kids...listen up:

This is what you have to look forward to.
But actually, it is a small thing compared to the joy your own little freaky kids will bring you.


  1. Hehehe... Oh yes, Oh YES we've had those moments. Especially the vomiting moments, when you change all of their bedding because that's where they decided to "heave-to" this time around. you get them bathed at 2am, they 're quiet and somewhat somnolent due to the meds you throw down their throats... and then at 3:30 am, they do it again.

    And you realize that you don't have any more bedding. So you get them up. calm them, wash them, throw the stuff in the laundry, and put them in your bed, and hope and pray.

    And for those among you who can't conceive (Feh!) of the idea of cleaning up -by hand- stuff that should only have a one-way thicket into your kid... once you've changed sickly diapers, regularly, and cleaned them up many times after this sort of thing- nothing is 'gross' anymore. An autopsy of a semi-liquified soapfat corpse holds no power over your lunch or your sinuses.

    -Blue Max

  2. Oh... PS... THIS is my favorite of the whole series!

  3. Well not having kids... I know my mom has dealt with me being sick even as an adult.

    I remember being here 2 hours away, my brother was my roommate but out of town and i was really really ill with something I won't get into... I call my mom who's home alone cause apparently my dad was out on a trip or some sort.

    I'm telling her what my issue is which wasn't much nicer than discussing vomiting... she's like "why are you calling me when I can't do anything about it?" LOL She called her dr cause I didn't have one at the time and gets some info for me on my condition.

    She definitely has been there when I needed someone to discuss illness with. I know she makes fun but she's my mom. LOL

    ~L~ (Yup it's Lehsa)

  4. Yes and we discovered what loverly malady we were stricken with:

    Norwalk Virus.

    You know...the Cruise Ship virus.

    Somebody brought it wiht them to school and within 48 hours the magic began. 5 other kids came down with it on Thursday.

    Fortunately I never got it.
    Neither did Stu.

    Let's hear a round of applause for anti-bacterial wipes, ati-viral lysol,bleach and good old fashioned hand washing until you have no more epidermis on your digits.

    Thanks heavens THAT is over!

