...and the sun still rises.
There are new days ahead.
My gut response is, Grab All the People and Circle the Wagons.
Get every ones email address and keep a mega lyst.
But now I just do NOT know.
The days are changing.
I pretty much quit going to CC regularly a while back, hanging more in Lyst Chat, and at
theonering.net in Barliman's.
But now, I think of all the people who were mere tots when I first met them online and now many are grown up even. I see others that are so dear and like cyber kids of my own just like the now-older ones.
My concern is that we all hang together, and yet, inevitably there will be fading.
So many memories.
I guess the only consolation I yself can take in partings, is holding on to the hope that someday I will see people in eternity, if I don't see or hear from them again in this life.
After many partings, this is the only consolation I can find and hold on to.
Good byes are impossible.
They are for me at least.
The most rotten two words on the face of the planet.
(Besides "Balance Due.")
This is a phrase straight from the bowels of Hell itself, because originally God never designed us to have to say them.
I NEVER say them at Mysterium.
I NEVER say them when friends move far away.
I NEVER say them at the end of the evening, in the pub when we all depart.
I NEVER say them at the end of a phone conversation even.
I sometimes think I would rather face death, than to utter such horrible words as "good" and "bye" in the same breath.
May I never say them.
May I say, "see you later," or may I leave early.
But never "good" and uh...that other word.
Evil words, those.
To my Cyan friends, I have no fear that you will ALL find a wonderful new place to employ your many gifts. You are all so talented. Perhaps some of you will moveinto the film/production industry.
Maybe I'll "see you later."
who is Maranwe in Barliman's
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