Wednesday, December 26, 2007

To be of simple faith.

Here in America (and perhaps other nations as well?) it is popular in Christian circles, to speak of a thing called "The Rapture" (the removal of Gods people before the terrible trials preceding and accompanying the AntiChrist occur.)
I cannot necessarily hold to this notion.Do I count it as inaccurate?Not I, for I am small and no trained theologian.
I am just not sure. Yet.
I just love my God. That is all.

Even so, I often ask myself (regarding this Rapture notion), how is it that I should be allowed to escape such trials as those similar to what my betters experience every day through out the globe? By "My Betters" I refer to those believing brothers and sisters who, for the sake of the goal of making His truth and love known, endure horrificpersecutions and tortures unspeakable?How is it that we should allow ourselves to imagine that God would spare US, when He requires suchbehaviours as a general rule, and considers such and "offering and sacrifice of Praise," expected rightfully?

Why should I consider myself free from the trials of my betters?
Those people who suffer and die namelessly, unthanked, and unkown, unregarded and often un-missed by the temporal world in which we live. And yet these same nameless "Giants Of The Faith" who offer themselves up daily, receive the rewards Kings only can dream of.
Such Crowns of Glory are reserved for them as a reward, and will be presented to them "On That Day," they will in turn cast their glorious Crowns joyfully, at the feet of their beloved Jesus.

Oh!To gain such a crown to be able to give to Him!
And dare I sat that?

For such a Crown is bought at great sacrifice.
At the cost of self.Self desires and self convenience, Self expression and personal standing in society.
At the price often of ones own life.
Am I able to count the cost before I dare utter such words?
Even in the secrecy of my own head and heart?
Oh indeed the words may come glibly at first - but am I REALLY willing to "Earn" such a crown to be able to give to Him?

Honestly? I want to answer Yes! But I cannot easily say it if I am to search my own heart in Truth......which is really what He wants.

Things to think about.

Would that my faith were simple and pure.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, you are late.
    We already had the fake Alien Bus come through here in Corvallis a few years back. When all those people took Cyanide because they were toaught by their "guru" that God was a spaceman.

    I think you missed their bus.

    I will check out your Post-Rapture Inaugural Address next.

    Have a great New Years.
