Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Millennials Aren't the Problem

The people of my generation (baby boomers) need to stop trashing the Millennial Generation. 

Y'all need to take a good long hard look in the mirror.

After having worked in retail / customer service for more than 17 years, I am here to tell you, the most self-absorbed, self-indulgent, self-righteous, demanding, impolite group of people are those ones of my own generation.

The customer of MY generation is NOT always right. 
In fact the customer is usually a big baby who sets about making his/her demands known, and throws a massive threat filled tantrum if she/he doesn't get what he/she wants at the prices she/he wants it.

The customer of MY generation is usually unreasonably impatient. Unwilling to wait in line beyond a certain point - which is fine, that's their choice - but to verbally abuse an employee or other customer is unacceptable - and this is done routinely by people my own age.

And I have witnessed first hand, the abuse Millennial customer service workers have to endure from people of the baby boomer generation. Things that someone my age would think twice about before saying to MY face, they have no qualms about dumping on my younger co-worker.

And if you are a business owner employing Millennials, you need to make double sure that you are being supportive of them. You should be supportive of ALL of your employees but you need to recognize that your Millennial employees may be getting extra abuse from customers. You don't need ANYBODY's money so badly that you can subject your employees, who are trying to promote YOUR business, to such abuse. I challenge you to stand in the gap, go to bat for your employee and shut down the abusive, wrong customer.
Conversely, I have NEVER had a customer in the Millennial age group be an asshole to me in the work place.

So the next time you want to bitch about Millennials, go look in the mirror and say those same things to yourself.

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