Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Twizzle Knock

So, when I was a kid I did a lot of sleep walking.
A lot.
Doing and saying a lot of bizarre things.
As I got older I grew out of it.

But when I am super tired, or sound asleep at the beginning of the night, I am entirely incoherent. If anyone tries to speak with me, get any info out of me, or try to hold any form of conversation with me, words that have nothing to do with each other or any subject come flying out of my mouth, eventually in a tirade, which is probably intended to mean " Hey you rotten kids quit bugging me and let me sleep!" But none of those words are actually strung together.

This causes no end of humour and practical joking on the part of my kids,
"Hey lets go ask mom something while she's asleep! Hahahahah!"

So in the nighttime last night, I awakened (apparently) and jotted myself a note, which, today
as I look at it, makes no sense what so ever.

The message reads: "twizzle knock".

Now to be fair, Twizzle is the cat.
Did she knock on the door?
Did she knock on wood?
Did she knock off the other cat and stuff her body in a trash can?
Who can say, who can know?

I go to work.

I come home.

There is the stupid note I wrote still on the counter.
I look at it again. WTH was I thinking?
("I am going kookoo", I tell myself.)

Oh well, time to make dinner.

I say to myself: "Oh, I should turn on some music while I make dinner. I will fire up my playlist on Grooveshark.com"

Now what!
There's no friggin internet?
I can't cook dinner with no internet!

Now I realise that my note is not stupid.
I realise that in my nocturnal stupor, I managed, with what meager faculties I could engage, to scrape out of my sleep the only two words that would explain the dilemma to a future, awake Me:

"Twizzle knocked the modem off the book case in the middle of the night resulting in all the wires falling out and some body has to dig it out from behind the book cases, re-plug in all the crap and then re-boot."

And I used two words to 'splain all that?
I am not so kookoo as I thought.

Or maybe I am...

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