To balance the wall out, I also got a clock.

Once the Barn Candles are used up, I have nothing to do with the lids...
until now: I can use them as candle holders for the little disc tea lights. And place them together in groupings...on top of this moulding is a perfect place.

I needed a couple of "oddments" to also balance out the uh..."wall display"?
So I got one juggling pin, paired with an antique brass hose nozzle (of course!)
And I also got...HER!

What is that sculpture of a woman usually found on the front of a ship?
(Dear Susan, of all people, I bet YOU will know this!)
"Maiden Head?" "Mast Head"? Well, there was a nautical booth at the store.
It had this crazy butt-ugly woman-esque-ish figurine for sale.
I thought, "What on Heavens name is THAT and boy is she coyote ugly!"
I like it.
It's called a figure head.:) You're lady is awesome. I like the shelf and lights and the whole display. It looks like it just happened naturally over time, as treasures were found.