Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More from Last Weeks Beach Trip

Morning walk on the beach at Manzanita with her trusty Americana thermos circa 1976.

Sand formations

What is this thing?

It's down on the river side of Astoria, by the canneries:

What ever it is, I like it. It is "Riven-esque".

Abandoned "Red" Cannery.

We took a walk along the wharf. Astoria has put a jogging path along the river that cuts right through the heart of the industrial area, and "Cannery Row" down to the Maritime Museum, abandoned train depot and beyond.
Scout found poppies growing along the banks. in the back you can see one of the cannery's. Just after we took this picture, one of the guys working out back was rinsing all the gurry out into the river, while a sea lion was enjoying the buffet. The stinker kept diving under every time I tried to get a pic of him though, so I eventually gave up.

More of Scout's Starfish

The tide is rapidly climbing up the jetty, and covering up all of the little Starfish.

Too freakin tired!

Perhaps its because of the busy tumult of daily living just catching up with me, perhaps it is the fact that we were all awake last night enjoying the wonderful thunder and lightening storms that came through the area dumping hail and mass amounts of rain. Perhaps it is just being tired after today's biopsy...nothing big, just a dumb 'ol pre-emptive thing. I just didn't expect to be this lethargic. Perhaps it's mostly all of the above put together. I know i spoke to other people today and it seems like we are ALL exhausted. I think it must be that we were all awake listening to the storm. I hope we get another one tonight. I'll just plan for a nap tomorrow if it happens. :o)
Killer thunder storms last night in the wee hours. Finally Scout, Brogin and I got up about 430 to watch. Awesome!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Animal Planet?

I have done nothing but care for other people's pets for the last 2 hours straight.
And that is not counting my friends cat in town.

Most of it is the fault of PetSmart!
The sold my daughter a sick rat, and lied about it. $100 later I will be going back in there to hold them accountable. I may end up going in there again if our other rat gets sick.


But now Pickles is significantly improved, and both cages are sterilized. The dog has been
medicated, the cats fed. Now I gotta do the aquarium and then go into town and do Spaz The Cat. (At least she is pretty easy and quick to care for!)

Monday, June 20, 2011

June Beach Trip, Day 2, Part 2

Scout finds some Starfish on the ocean side of South Jetty.

The mighty Starfish hunter on top of south Jetty.

PS - It's official: I think I hate this new camera.

Beach Day 2

Dismal Nitch.
That is the real true name of the place.
Named by Clark of Lewis and Clark Expedition fame.

Look at that green. It was VERY slippery. Now, in your imagination, can you imagine the stink? Yes. oh yes.

Friday, June 17, 2011

June Beach Day 1: Sadness

The ODFW (Oregon Fish and Wildlife Dept) had him roped/signed off: do not disturb.

Even so, it did not stop humans from paying him homage and even leaving a small trinket in the spirit of endearment and honouring his departure.

Bunny and Sealion: a meaningful connection?

While the tide races in, Scout takes a minute to climb around on a rocky ridge that will be soon submerged.

...and Scout even found some of her initials carved in the stone.

Last time I was here, I managed to skate around to the other side of these rocks at low tide and sneak back in the nick of time as the tide had turned. Below shows the swift tide change as it races in in less that 8 minutes:

It is now ankle deep.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Psychic? How?

This is at the corner of Burnside and Division in Gresham.
One is compelled to ask one's self:

Who needs to have their "Past" told?
"What just happened?"

And really, WHO needs to have their "Present" told?
"What's going on?"

I mean really!

Church Split

Must I live through another one?
At least this time I am not related to anyone involved!
In the words of a good friend,
who said exactly what was in my heart,

The word comes to mind:

Was the impetus for this
really THAT important?

I thought of the bible verse where
it says something akin to:

"It is a foolish woman,
who tears down her own

And for what?
From where I sit,
although I adore the teachings
of my (former) pastor,
There is a niggling thought
chewing at the base of my brain:
After his "administrative (so called) pastor"
borrowed an obscene amount of money in
order to pay intense church staff salaries, they
suddenly manage to throw up their hands
and leave the church, scot-free, while the
actual congregation is still held
liable for the HORRENDOUS debt

This is a grievous sin.
And while I do NOT necessarily hold my
pastor accountable for it in it's entirety, I do
hold him some what accountable as the overall
leader and shepherd of this people. The real fiend in
this is the man who "administrated", and who had
himself (somehow) declared as "Administrative Pastor".
the dude doesn't even HOLD a pastoral degree! He has not
been ordained in any way shape or form.
This man is vile in my eyes and steeped in putresence.
(I call "Mizpah" (It's not a nice sweet lovey thing. See link and then see below**). And I say therefore:
"May God judge between me and thee".
Mizpah should not be declared lightly.)

Fortunately for me, God
has no care for politics.
He is no respector of
tradition for it's own sake.
This is not to say some
traditions do not serve Him, but
there are far too many sacred
cows, both in and out
of the church.

Many do not serve Him.

In such a case, I would
quote to myself:
"As for me and my
house, we will serve
The Lord."

No matter if that looks
foul to the official church,
or if it looks foul to
those not part
of His church.

Screw politically correct,
whether it occurs within
the Church, or within those
who think of themselves
as the Intelligencia, or
modern, or right wing
or left wing.

God is NONE of these things.
Which is why He is hated
and dissed.
May I be like Him then.

** Mizpah was a declaration between two men who did not trust each other because one cheated the other and got away with it. And so one man declared "Mizpah" meaning
"...may God judge between us, which one is truthful and which is a liar." - Michelle Paraphrase)

Bad Fridge

By Blake

Architectural Piece

So I got this nutty piece of antique exterior moulding from a vendor in the store.
It fit perfectly on the blank wall behind the wood stove.
To balance the wall out, I also got a clock.

The Barn Candle(tm) company sells their candles in little mason jars with tin lids.
Once the Barn Candles are used up, I have nothing to do with the lids...
until now: I can use them as candle holders for the little disc tea lights. And place them together in groupings...on top of this moulding is a perfect place.

I needed a couple of "oddments" to also balance out the uh..."wall display"?
So I got one juggling pin, paired with an antique brass hose nozzle (of course!)
And I also got...HER!

What is that sculpture of a woman usually found on the front of a ship?
(Dear Susan, of all people, I bet YOU will know this!)
"Maiden Head?" "Mast Head"? Well, there was a nautical booth at the store.
It had this crazy butt-ugly woman-esque-ish figurine for sale.
I thought, "What on Heavens name is THAT and boy is she coyote ugly!"
I like it.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dear Orange and Black


Dare I hope...but it's possible, that YOU, may receive one of our own?!
All Glory to Oregon's Orange and Black!

Dear Beav's,
May you GO!

Dear All-You-Kids,

Last night was a pretty chill party.
There was loud music.
The girls danced with abandon.
There was food.
There were helium filled balloons, emptied, into lungs to create amusing anecdotes.

If all of YOU (tm) were here, then it would have been heaven on earth.

Even so...
It was pretty danged good.

And my heart is full***.

*** Wish you were here.


Friday, June 3, 2011

My town part 2: in my town cars and pedestrians share the road with deer and people riding their horses in the middle of town and think nothing out odd.
My town part 1: remember in the 1st Toy Story movie how the clouds were painted on Andy's wall? That was the sky today.