Monday, May 21, 2018

Metolius - Epilogue

SO many thoughts.

- Learned a lot.
Learned that there is SO much more to be learned!
(Isn't that always the way?)

- Learned that the two SCARIEST people, are actually quite approachable.
And I am not the sort of person who is easily intimidated. Ask anyone.
("Screaming Artillery Man (tm)"  still remains on the Scary List.  ( I wonder what Santa thinks of that?)

 - Saw a sheep nearly worshipped. She was hailed as the "Battle Lamb".
It was suggested that a standard be created in commemoration.

- Learned that I am far too willing to take some one at their word or at face value.
(Not always such a good thing.)

- It took me a fair few minutes to recognize that Dub was out-bidding me for Kelly Brown's item for sale, mainly as a service to Kelly.  (I am on to your tactics now, sir!) ;o)

- Got a new game plan figured out for teaching, and the use of the "Glorious Demonstration Fly" in the Confederate Encampment.  Looking VERY much forward to Powerland because of it.

- After having purged "un-needed supplies", I have discovered that I can purge even more.
(Need to find a period, stretcher/embalming table with handles to replace the heavier model I already have.  Should have a wicker/caned insert in the center. Ya know.  If any of you come across one in your travels.  It has to be sturdy though, because it may be used to carry a truly injured person off the field.)

- I am no longer hauling garments for people, unless they actually show up.

- After the arthritic agony of this weekend, I will permit myself some proper (if farby) footwear for after the public goes home. Ain't nobody got time for pain like this.

- Many thanks to the Kens.
A healing time was had.
I was reminded of my favorite horse, now long gone. I guess I stuffed that memory, as it hurts.   Smelling the hay through your horses nostrils, a sweet incense that comes forth like incense goes up to heaven. Thank you for letting us come and spend a little bit of time there.  Being sniffed.  Scratching haltered heads.  Sharing carrots.  It was a big deal.  Thank you.

- Meeting "The Tims" and watching them cut each other down in person.  Such comedy.


- Late at night, being roused from the brink of sleep by a man yelling,
"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!  I'VE HAD ENOUGH!  SHUT UP,  G$%   D#@*   It!!!"
Gee, I wonder who he could have been yelling at?
*clumsy stumbling and clanking sounds, passing the tent soon followed.

- The weather was surprisingly good - this is two years in a row now.
I originally was certain that we were going to have a rainy bluster, but I was wrong.
Now that I think about it, late May is truly the transition between Winter and Summer. Dunno why I was surprised at decent weather.

- I don't know why I bring so much food.  OR any.  I rarely eat at such events. What a waste. In the future, I should just bring trail mix and Mountain House.
(And hide a Keurig in the tent, run off of a power supply.  Yes, I can already hear the outcry. )

- I honestly don't know why so many reenactors seem to think this event is not worth coming to.
It is THE MOST beautiful, picturesque setting imaginable.  Really, it is only two -three hours from most anywhere in the valley.  And there are folks who come from further away - 6 hours.  So people who whine about a 2-3 hour drive - well I am sorry, you do not have my sympathy, ya princess.  You are just missing out.  Big time.

- The radio interview was terrifying, but the reporter really did an excellent job with the final product!
She is to be commended!  Thank you David Banks for setting it up!

-Thank you David Banks, for a whole lotta stuff.  In fact, thank you for most of it! Thank you for your time, energy, enthusiasm, financial, janitorial, set-up and strike skills, and you are a master at engaging the public at parades.  (You and Matt Cleman on that score).

- Kelly Cleman, dang girl! We did not get a chance to play Whist!  Now that we have a new demo tent set up, we will find a lot more time for proper socializing, so I am looking forward to truly getting to hang out with you at Pwerland and beyond.

- We got safety tested this weekend, which will allow us to participate in more "shenanigans", such as running around screaming and crying, "Their killing' us all!!!"  We were unexpectedly presented with an opportunity directly after completing the test.  Canonn fire was heard in the Civilian camp. Screaming ensued, and little girls were injured. They got to be carried away by larger girls to be tended by the medic.  They later "died", and wailing and weeping commenced after the battle.  They later asked if they could please be allowed to die again.  We had to tell them, "not today dearie, some one else gets a turn to die now."
As it turned out, it was a minister.
And might I just point out, from a theatrical perspective, the timing on that whole display up through the shooting of the  pastor was impeccable.  As a result there was a collective gasp of shock from all who watched it.  Well done!
We were also able to put our 30 ft rules in to play during the second battle on Sunday when the Union came right bloody into the Civilian camp. Darn those guys!


- Thank you to my Scout for making the trip over to hang with your old miserable mum and with your other Scout and Kristi, PJ and of course, the glorious ponies.  For me, I think that was the most profound moment of the entire weekend.  I love that you always make an effort to come out to the reenactments - no matter where they are held, even if it is for just a day. I am glad that we could at least share in the Fort Stevens experience, even if it was only once.  It was indeed memorable.
**We need to get MacKenzie to attend an event with us.  Can you imagine the comedy?!

- It was a wonderful way to open the new season!

- And that's all I have to say for now.

PS: And ...flamingoes.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Thundering Spring

It's a good day to come home from work in May. When the day has been hot, and the great fluffy thunder clouds are on the air. You've watered your plants and they smell green now. You can smell the ozone from the thunderheads. This is a good day to come home to. And sit. In the garden. Soft winds begin to sing in the chimes. Waiting, for the sky's mighty voice.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Stuff to do and see, think, be and feel. And eat.

Dishes I want - Calamity Ware

Victory Rolls, a simple cute - Hair Do

People were smarter than us - Stupid and modern

Swim Caps - hairdo protection of yester-year

Potato Rose - A potato by any other name would smell as...?

Om Nom Noms - Cheese Steak Crescent Ring

Yummy's - Egg Clouds Recipe (Scroll down past the ad)

Ooey Gooey Butter Cake - the best of sweet and savoury

Handy Drawer Shelf - Place to store pet supplies?

Making Life Easier - For your Elderly Cat

The Musical Priest - At a wedding

YARR! - Things to see in Oregon

Healthy - Low carb dippers

Beer Me - Episode 1

Excellent Fail - Bounce Off

Pet Safety - People Food that Dogs can't eat

Back in the Good Ol' Day - A Vintage Music Video

How To Apply Make-Up  - Not

Spidee - Can Dance

Cook An Omelette - In a bag

More Things with Drawers - Kats

Singing with Friends - In Public Places

Grow Your Food - Again

Ice Cream - With No Machine (Flavour is optional)

Kyoot Kittehs - Meow

Monday, May 7, 2018

Using internal combustion.

It's amazing, the number of things that I will conquer successfully once I get pissed off enough to do it. I am practically capable of anything. Sewing, carpentry, you name it!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


I might be a smoker. Oh no, I do not smoke cigarettes or anything remotely 420 related. But I do love incense. Unfortunately I have a cat with asthma. So for eight months out of the year I cannot enjoy incense. My particular favorite is the traditional nag Champa. So it is with Glee that I await the coming of the spring where I can have decent enough whether to sit outside and work in my garden and burn some incense Outdoors. So because of all the chemicals and ingredients in nag Champa, I'm sure that qualifies me as a smoker.