Wednesday, August 31, 2016

An Observation. #321

It is sad how, in such a small, fairly affluent town, the ugly head of illiteracy can be found skulking about.

Touting itself as a safe, progressive, family friendly town, with an excellent school system, it turns its head the other direction rather than get involved with the "elephant in the room" - illiteracy.

The shocking truth is that, while our students are very well educated, the problem seems to be most prevalent among the adult members of our community.  Even more disturbing when you recognize that many of these illiterate unfortunates are successful business people.

I see it on a weekly basis.

Simple words even, that most first graders can sound out.
Words like:

(granted the word CLOSED would require a little more practice with long vowels and their relationship to the silent 'e', but still an adult *should* be able to sound these words out.

I think that our city council and the educational district need to put their heads together to come up with a game plan to eradicate illiteracy in adults in the town of Sisters OR.