BArring any oddities, I think the next steps with "The Stude" will be to locate the following items and then have them installed:
-Shag carpet/headliner deal
-CD Player
-Weather Strip Kit
-Gas Gauge Sending Unit.
Max said he is going to the swap meet in in Portland this weekend and that he would keep an eye out for the sending unit.
Jeremy at the body shop said he would help me buff it out really good this summer and clean up the chrome.
Mick at the gas station insisted that I let him fix the broken visor.
Through Kristi, I've gotten some amazing old 60's lounge jazz which will be perfect
to play loud with the windows rolled down this summer! I am hearing the theme from the Peter Seller's movie, "A Shot In The Dark" blaring down the main highway through town! Maybe during rodeo parade even!
Max found the horn! Its under the dash to the left of the steering column.
It is a deep rich, 'old' sounding horn!
It is perfect.
Now I can terrorize people with it.
I should collect the sound and save it as a wav file.
Where ever I drive in the Stude it seems to make people smile.
It really IS a goofy looking car!
It is funny how so many people have come out of the woodwork and are willing to help me do really neato things to this car? Some won't even accept payment?!
It is kinda a happy car.
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