Sunday, September 2, 2007

Who decided that an opinion about War was a moral issue worthy of Damnation - either for or against?

Since when was it considered Evil to be in favour of a War?
Who decided they were worthy to pass such judgements upon me?

Since when did it become Ungodly to denounce a War?
Who sat in the pew and considered themselves worthy to pass such judgements upon me?

Who decided that an opinion about this particular War was a moral issue worthy of Damnation - either for, or against?

Is God against war?
It is He himself who set the Israelites against the inhabitants of Canaan. His words were that they should kill ALL, from the most elderly to the infant.

Is He in favour of war?
He desires that we live in love, not merely looking out for our own needs, but also for the needs of others. Considering our neighbors needs as more important than our own.

Both are equally true.


  1. In the USA, it appears that as a culture, we are so polarized. The liberal against the conservative, Christian against non-christian, men against women, old against young.
    What ever happened to middle ground?
    And then again, is "middle ground" that great a thing? It is extreme persecution that brings out who we really are isn't it? Trials force us to show our true natures. Things that bubble out of us, like mentos from a coke bottle, indicate what was either known or unknown and hidden in us all along.
    Good and Bad.
    As for me:
    -I do not WORSHIP George Bush. (so I can piss off my fellow Christians there, I suppose.)
    -IF I had to do it all over again, faced with exactly the same candidates, but knowing what I know now, would I vote for GW again? Decidedly so! Kerry is a wavering, tossed-about-upon-the-sea flake. What ever people think GW has done it is nothing compared tto the mess we would be in if Kerry had managed to get into the White House.
    (So with that sentiment I can piss off my Democratic friends)

    Two strikes against me already, with only two opinions.

    There is middle ground and I think I am not the only one sitting in it.
    Am I dissatisfied with this war?
    Do I think it wholly wrong?

    Is it possible to have a REAL absolutely accurate opinion of this war and all that has gone on?
    Can anybody have a "RIGHT" answer?

    IMHO: NO.

    Were you sitting in on White House Intelligence briefings when 911 was going down? Neither was I.

    Do you base your "knowledge" on what is reported to you via radio, television and news papers? Then you information is skewed. Canted. Inaccurate and biased.

    So how can you base a "Right" answer on such data?

    You can't.

    So who is to say I am evil or good, for which ever way my opinions flare?


    Anyone else care to "dance" today?


  2. I really think it's up to the individual to believe what they want and nobody should be able to say Yay or Nay to what that individual believes in the sense of "restricting" how they believe in something.

    I'm also in favor of the war but mostly because I think it's right to finish what we started. If they leave too soon, it will be worse than if we hadn't been there in the first place.

    I'm not very political at all. I just know what I know and I keep tabs on things as I can.


  3. I think that, while our culture would paint us as a namby-pamby minority for having such mid-groudn thoughts, we are most likely among a quiet majority. A majority that doesn't make waves easily, but when voting time comes round, we are definitely heard. Sometimes, I wonder if, for all of our sakes, wouldn't it be interesting to see what would happen if we discovered our quiet majority really is just that, and how it might empower us to be not as isolated from each other and therefore, a little less quiet, and a little more vocal?

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

